Blogs > Tooned In

A political cartoon gallery by Alan MacBain *all images are copyright Alan MacBain. Theft will result in prosecution.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

No medicine for ailing schools

This cartoon was in response to the recent release of the low-achieving schools list, which was designed to identify poor performing schools and offer students from low-income families vouchers to attend better schools. Only problem is, there are few alternatives to traditional public school systems. It ran with the editorial "Corbett's school voucher plan misfires" in the Aug. 12 edition of The Mercury.

Looking for someone to blame

After the Jerry Sandusky scandal and the Aurora, Colo., theater, there was a great deal of fingerpointing, but not against those truly responsible. This cartoon ran with the July 27 editiorial "When evil strikes, we want someone to blame."