Blogs > Tooned In

A political cartoon gallery by Alan MacBain *all images are copyright Alan MacBain. Theft will result in prosecution.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Disasters waiting to happen

Recent reports of drivers acting carlessly, recklessly and selfishly have caught the public's attention and are making many shake their heads wondering how this can be happening.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Struggling to celebrate

The Pottstown Fourth of July Celebration is struggling to keep itself going, despite the continued record attendance at all the activities, including the parade and festivities in Memorial Park.

This cartoon ran in the June 20 edition of the Mercury.


Planting the seeds of community

Many Pottstown neighborhoods are filled with people who don't like the living conditions but often complain or live with suspicion and fear of their neighbors, but in one neighborhood a group of people took action to start a community garden and sow the seeds of friendliness by working with the kids who use the local park instead of just complaining about them.

Story: Community garden planted to grow pride


What's unacceptable elsewhere ...

Pennsylvania's teen driving bill is still struggling in the state Legislature despite calls for its passage from parents who've lost teens to distracted driving. This cartoon was to show the real issue in a way it might not be considered by those who only see one side of the issue.

This cartoon ran in the May 15 edition of The Pottstown Mercury.

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