Blogs > Tooned In

A political cartoon gallery by Alan MacBain *all images are copyright Alan MacBain. Theft will result in prosecution.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Profitting Off a Dark Past

The recent announcement that the new owners of Pennhurst are opening a haunted attraction has created heated debate, with many saying the idea profits off a dark past that shouldn't be mocked or forgotten for what it was.

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Gift horse

When Pottstown Borough Council refused to back the Route 422 Master Plan because local projects weren't in the mix, it was a case of looking a gift horse in the mouth.

According to the editorial that ran in the Mercury alongside this cartoon:
"The Route 422 Master Plan, for which the Montgomery County Planning Commission was seeking endorsement, focuses on all the initiatives council has said are needed — economic development in towns, better infrastructure, rail service. The controversial tolling aspect was already set to the side.

"So, what was not to like?

"For Council Vice President Mark Gibson, the answer to that question was how long it may take to replace the Keim Street Bridge."
